Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Fashion and Beauty Etiquette for Every Age

Women, at all ages, must take care of themselves, always using sunscreen, moisturizing their skin, taking care of their looks, investing in flawless makeup and hair - however, care can vary a little according to each age. We suggest some tips below so that you know what to consider when getting ready at each stage of life.

At 20

Fashion: This is the time to dare, follow trends and create irreverent looks. At this age you can bet on different colors, textures and cutouts, as practically everything can look good on you.

Beauty: As for beauty care at this age, this is also the right time to dare. Bet on colored makeup and dark smoky, strong lipsticks are also a sure choice, but remember that when the mouth is in evidence the eyes should be more discreet and vice versa. Bet on different hairstyles, colors and cuts for your hair without fear of being happy. However, don't forget to take care of the hair's health as well.

At 30

Fashion: At this stage of life, the ideal is to look for more refined structures and fabrics. You should choose the pieces that enhance your type of silhouette and that do not leave you with an air that you are ten years older. Avoid exaggerating in necklines and short lengths so as not to vulgarize the look.

Beauty: At 30, prefer haircuts that go well with your face, do not take such chances to follow trends in cuts and colors. As for beauty, consider habits that match your lifestyle, for example: if you have little time to take care of your hair, prefer not to do lights or paint to avoid having to go to the beauty salon every fifteen days.

At 40

Fashion: In terms of fashion, it is suggested to prefer classic looks and dress with accessories that match your taste and personality. For example, if you like a lot of color you can work on accessories, shoes and bags.

Beauty: At this age maybe some whites are already starting to appear, so it's time to take care of this detail. Prefer a color that will not damage your hair as much and that will be practical. The makeup should be light and always tend to the natural, but with care as to the concealer and powder so as not to accentuate small lines and wrinkles.

At 50 or over

Fashion: Tailoring pieces fit very well for women over 50 and above, so quality and good fabrics are always welcome. Accessories must accompany the look to not get too serious.

Beauty: At this age the ideal is to invest in treatments to take care of hair thinning and possible hair loss. Make-up should be light and minimal, to keep the face natural and healthy looking only. Prefer to use a lip gloss instead of lipstick so as not to accentuate the wrinkles around the lips.